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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - vindicate


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См. в других словарях

  1. доказать; подтвердить to vindicate one's courage —- доказать свое мужество to vindicate one's claim —- доказать справедливость своего требования 2. отстаивать, защищать; поддерживать to vindicate one's honour —- отстаивать свою честь to vindicate one's character —- защитить (спасти) свою репутацию to vindicate smb.'s actions —- защищать (поддерживать, оправдывать) чьи-л. действия to vindicate one's claim —- отстоять (утвердить, восстановить) свое право 3. оправдывать, реабилитировать to vindicate smb. from a charge (of) —- прекратить дело по обвинению кого-л. (в чем-л.) 4. юр. взыскать, истребовать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) доказывать; to vindicate ones courage - доказать свое мужество  2) отстаивать (право и т.п.); to vindicate ones judgement - защитить или отстоять свою позицию, утверждение и т.п. Syn: see exonerate ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) обосновать 2) обосновывать 3) подтверждать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v.tr. 1 clear of blame or suspicion. 2 establish the existence, merits, or justice of (one's courage, conduct, assertion, etc.). 3 justify (a person, oneself, etc.) by evidence or argument. Derivatives vindicable adj. vindication n. vindicative adj. vindicator n. Etymology: L vindicare claim, avenge f. vindex -dicis claimant, avenger ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   transitive verb  (-cated; -cating)  Etymology: Latin vindicatus, past participle of vindicare to lay claim to, avenge, from vindic-, vindex claimant, avenger  Date: circa 1571  1. obsolete to set free ; deliver  2. avenge  3.  a. to free from allegation or blame  b.  (1) confirm, substantiate  (2) to provide justification or defense for ; justify  c. to protect from attack or encroachment ; defend  4. to maintain a right to  Synonyms: see exculpate, maintain  • vindicator noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (vindicates, vindicating, vindicated) If a person or their decisions, actions, or ideas are vindicated, they are proved to be correct, after people have said that they were wrong. (FORMAL) The director said he had been vindicated by the experts’ report... VERB: be V-ed • vindication He called the success a vindication of his party’s free-market economic policy. N-UNCOUNT: also a N, usu N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v formal 1 to prove that someone or something is right or true; justify  (vindicate an idea/method/decision Your decision not to resign has been fully vindicated.) 2 to prove that someone who was blamed for something is in fact not guilty  (The outcome of the trial vindicates Howells completely.) - vindication n  (Improved economic growth is seen as a vindication of government policies.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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